I want to point out here that these photos aren't only of our pets, but that only our pets would have identity issues.....
like our dog who thinks she is a cat--yes that is our beloved, yet very confused, dog Besi that is on the back of the couch, oh and how trashed our lovely house looks at this moment, obviously it was a picture taken on the weekend because my little helper gets the weekends off so our house tends to explode when she isn't here
Yes, that is lovely Bunn bun the watch rabbit, she is in charge of guarding the bathroom, or so she thinks, my husband reports she is doing a swell job, because when he gets up at 5 am to get ready for work she is always ready to bite his toe/foot/ankle when he tries to step foot in the bathroom
Oh and then there is Red, the beloved stray that "followed" John home one rainy day, he only weighed 2 lbs when we got him and now he is over 6 months old and weighs more then the kids, I swear if I knew he was going to get so big I would have left him out in the rain. Being that Dominic tortured this "little" guy so much when he was only 2 lbs, I had to carry him around like a baby to protect him, which is why this dog feels he is more like one of the kids then a dog, yep that big oaf Red sure fits in with those kids--"so where is my supper?" he asks
The only identity issue this little black bunny has is that he has no set identity yet, Dominic keeps changing his name, first it was bell bell, then it was chocolate (pronounced shocolet by Dominic) one day I heard him say Care bear, which I thought was cute but now Dominic says Care bear is a movie not a name--duhh mommy)
Can you guys please help us name this nameless bunny...what do you think we should call him?
PS--the little black bunny was given the name Skiddish, but Dominic now pronouces it as Licorish--gotto love Dominic's speech impediment (I can laugh at it cause I use to have one when I was little--wait, I still have one to some degree)
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