
Sunday, January 16, 2011

baby boy bunny sold 1/16/2011

the day after we bought Adam and Eve we were blessed with new baby bunnies. While preparing thanksgiving dinner I took out some vegi scraps to find Eve had given birth to babies, I couldn't count them accurately at that time and didn't want to bother, I later discovered she had birthed 7 babies, one died before he even got fluff and then between three and 4 weeks we lost 3 more babies (and one of our adults dug out and ran off) it was a very devastating time for us (specially since one of them was found dead on Christmas Day), we loved these babies very much and my son prays for them every time he says a prayer (and surprisingly he prayers a lot). 3 babies survived, we are keeping the 2 females, and hope we can find a suitable home for this little darling. He will officially be 6 weeks on Thursday the 6th, he appears to be very healthy and I can't see anything concerning, right now as I type this he is sitting rather content on my chest, he was very compliant when I took his pic and I know he is going to make someone the perfect pet.

he is tiny and I have no clue how big he is going to get but he his parents aren't huge, we just don't have a weight, I would guess they are about 5-6 lbs, he is about 2 lbs right now at most I would think, but I am bad at guesstimating, sorry, he is super cute and I know he will make a wonder family pet. Bunnies are rather easy to litter box train and can totally be left to roam out of a cage after they have been litter box trained.

this baby boy sold on Jan 16, 2011 to a very loving lady--thanks!!!!

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