
Monday, January 31, 2011

Home made laundry detergent--powdered--WORKS

I have actually used the home made laundry detergent recipe I posted in a post before over the weekend and it did a pretty good job, so I decided to test it.

we have a lovely male cat names oreo who isn't fixed (we are working on that) and who is constantly out getting in fights, rolling in dirt and all around is just one huge stink fest. He has a litter box in our bathroom by our toilet. A few weeks ago he was sick and the neighbor had animal control put a kitty trap out to trap some strays, afraid he would run off and die and/or get caught in the kitty trap we decided to lock him in the bathroom and stuck a blanket on top of his covered litter box--he loved it and that was his new bed.

of course since he was sick I made it a point to wash this blanket, and I washed it again, with our old laundry soap I washed it about 4 times, soaking it, pre-washing, I tried everything and couldn't get the stench out, but it was clean so I figured why not,I stuck it back ontop of the litter box. Well, since I needed a good test for said new home made powdered laundry soap I figured this would be the best item in the house--I do believe I washed it once and wasn't too thrilled, so I washed it again, first soaking it overnight, I used 2 tablespoons of the laundry soap instead of just one, and as always used our home made laundry softener and to my surprise it worked--our blanket no longer smells like stinky cat--well it might now because I stuck it back in the bathroom, but for a few moments it didn't stink

therefore, as I see it, if it works to get stinky cat out of a blanket it should pretty much work on anything.

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