granted, I had to hurry and get the pisture because in my shock of what I found my first reaction was to yell "turn off that water and get your but inside and in a corner, so as he dashed to turn the water off I realized just how neat that was, Our own gas can water fountain. Now this isn't the first time Dominic has somehow stubbled across one of daddy's gas can's and I am constantly
reminding (he calls it nagging) him to keep them out of site, out of reach, and out of gas...obviously he doesn't believe me, because as Dominic ran into the house a very definite flamable smelling aroma entered the house with him, and after re-examining this photo I must say we were definitely lucky nobody threw a cigarrette out their car window while driving by (and my neighor thought it was bad when one of our tree branches fell on his room damaging 2 shingles, granted it would have made his house the local "hot spot")
So a reminder to all those who think a gas can with th
but in all seriousness, please remember to empty out the gas can, as not only is it super flamable and we were lucky that neither of our houses caught on fire, but also extremely lucky that Dominic didn't try to drink it.
PLEASE DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME, THIS STUNT WAS PREFORMED BY A TRAINED 4 YR OLD WITH EXTENSIVE TRAINING IN MISBEHAVING AND TROUBLE MAKING, SAID 4 YR OLD WAS PUNISHED AND AS A RESULT HE CAUTIONS ALL OTHERS TO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME unless they have purchased, read, and understand all his instructions and warnings, if you would like to get a copy of his instructions and warnings you can for a mere $19.95, see the legal aspects/ad below:
and now for the legal aspect, Dominic has copyrighted his design and so if you want one of these delightful fountains you will need to purchase the right to display it in your own yard, but he has agreed to sell that privelge for a mere $19.95, he will not only sell you the privelge to display such an amazing gountain in your yard, but for that $19.95 he will also include photos of what it is suppose to look like, the design he came up with all on his own, instructions on how to construct it, and the typical warnings that come with any instructions, one of which is, DON'T USE A GAS CAN WHICH ALREADY HAS GAS IN IT AS IT MAY RESULT IN A FIRE HAZARD!
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