
Saturday, March 26, 2011

snowball, our little Red Eyed White

this little one is not only curious--she was hungry, trust me, she isn't being shy, she is trying to eat a clover
I moved her a bit and she is now looking at me like 'why did you do that, I was enjoying that clover' oddly she never noticed the 6 others I stuck her right in front of her.
Red eyed whites are most often referred to as Albinos, and isn't she just lovely
I don't know why I find her so mesmerizing--she is truly a doll though, look at her all nestled up just sitting and looking and taking in her surroundings, I could sit and stare at this picture all day, unfortunately my schedule does not allow for that, so off I shall go now, but if you want to sit and look a bit longer feel free to.......if you like her that much you might want to reserve her now before someone else gets her first, just saying, as rare as Red Eyed Whites are, chances are she is going to go fast

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